IWorkspace.NewProject method

Namespace: NextDesign.Desktop


Generate a new project.


Name Type Description
projectName string Project name

Null or empty string cannot be specified.
description string Description

You can specify any string, including null.
profilePath string Profile path

If null is specified, generate a project with an empty profile.
isSetCurrent bool If the generated project is set as the current project or
False is specified, the generated project will not be set as the current project.
The default value is True.

Return value


Name Exception Class Description
Invalid argument ExtensionArgumentException If null or an empty string is specified for projectName
Invalid path ExtensionInvalidPathException If profilePath is not null and the specified path cannot be interpreted as a valid path string
Invalid file specification ExtensionInvalidFileException If profilePath is not null and the file extension of the corresponding path is not a profile
File not found ExtensionFileFoundException If profilePath is not null and the file at the given path is not found